Little girl spends time playing with sick pit bull to cheer it up

Upon arrival at the shelter, a Pit Bull was in an extremely distressing state. She suffered from constant shivering, enduring it around the clock. The delicate skin on her body was inflamed and emitted a foul, putrid odor due to a severe case of mange. Adding to her suffering, her feet were swollen from a staph infection, and her eyes were encrusted with infectious discharge. Given the severity of her condition, euthanasia seemed like the only option.

However, please continue reading, as there is an uplifting twist to this story. Make sure to watch the heartwarming video below that captures the journey of this remarkable dog.

Little Girl Wanted The Dog Who Was 'Shaking & Hiding' At The Back Of The ShelterImage/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video


An abandoned Pit Bull has arrived at the shelter without a name. Isolated and forgotten, she spends her days hiding in a deserted cage. Little did she know that her life was about to take a remarkable turn.

On one fateful day, Audra Spurio, a compassionate woman, came to the shelter with the intention of adopting a furry friend for her 2-year-old daughter Gigi. Unaware of the impending bond that awaits her, Audra sets out to find a suitable canine companion.

She did not expect that the sickly Pit Bull, invisible to many people, would win her heart. As Audra passes through the shelter, she stumbles across the hidden gem, instantly drawn to the Pit Bull’s eyes filled with longing and hope.

Touched by an indescribable bond, Audra learns that this special dog is meant to join her family. Without hesitation, she decided to give her daughter a name and a chance at a new life filled with love and care.

Watch the touching video below, which wonderfully captures this once forgotten Pit Bull’s extraordinary journey and the profound impact it will have on the lives of Audra, Gigi and all the people it meets.

Little Girl Wanted The Dog Who Was 'Shaking & Hiding' At The Back Of The ShelterImage/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

The Pit Bull, resigned to her belief of being invisible and unnoticed, was startled when a little girl named Gigi pointed at her and exclaimed, “Mommy, that one!” Gigi’s compassionate heart was drawn to the pitiful Pit Bull, and she insisted that her mother pay attention to her chosen canine companion.

Gigi tugged on Audra’s coat, persisting until they stood in front of the forlorn Pit Bull. Overwhelmed with empathy, Gigi reached out and gently petted the dog, offering comfort and love. Despite Audra’s attempts to show Gigi other dogs, the determined youngster returned to the sick Pit Bull three times, pleading, “Let the dog out, need help.”

Moved by Gigi’s unwavering compassion, the shelter team understood that this special dog deserved a chance at a better life. They took the Pit Bull out of her kennel, carefully cleaned her up, and allowed her to play in the yard with Gigi. It was a transformative moment as the Pit Bull experienced joy and companionship for the first time in a long while.

Be sure to watch the heartwarming video below, capturing the incredible journey of this once-forgotten Pit Bull, Gigi’s unwavering compassion, and the shelter team’s dedication to giving this dog a new lease on life.

Little Girl Wanted The Dog Who Was 'Shaking & Hiding' At The Back Of The ShelterImage/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

They formed an instant and incredible bond as they spent hours playing together. The Pit Bull would never leave Gigi’s side, and Gigi would constantly remind Audra that the “sick dog” required help.

Little Girl Wanted The Dog Who Was 'Shaking & Hiding' At The Back Of The ShelterImage/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

Audra sobbed for her mother to assist the pup as the Pit Bull continued to shake violently every time she was separated from Gigi. Audra gave in to Gigi’s heartfelt pleas and brought home Scarlett, a Pit Bull that she named after Scarlett O’Connor. The ill dog was finally able to go home once it arrived at the shelter!

Little Girl Wanted The Dog Who Was 'Shaking & Hiding' At The Back Of The ShelterImage/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

Within one week of having a home, Scarlett’s health began improving! She would spend every waking minute with Gigi and never leave her out of her sight.

Little Girl Wanted The Dog Who Was 'Shaking & Hiding' At The Back Of The ShelterImage/Source Story Credit: The Dodo via YouTube Video

Scarlett made a remarkable recovery and flourished into Gigi’s loyal companion, thanks to Gigi’s unwavering dedication to her rescue. With time, this dynamic duo now fills their days with joyous playtime and fun adventures both indoors and in the yard! Don’t miss their incredible journey and heartwarming video below. Make sure to watch it all the way to the end and savor the experience! Enjoy!

Click the video below to watch this adorable story!

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