Dog offers heartwarming ‘apology’ for taking his sibling’s treat

One of the biggest steps to gaining forgiveness is admitting your fault.

For some, this is easier said than done, especially with regard to pride or shame. Sometimes, it would take forever and a lifetime for someone to say sorry so it’s not quite surprising that these dogs do it better than most.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram Screenshot –

Dogs are playful and curious creatures. And when they are left to their impulses, these animals will most certainly go over their boundaries.

Doggie siblings Watson and Kiko became viral after an apology video.

For other people, an apology video can signal the end of their online career. Not these dogs, however. In a video posted by their owner, people can see the dogs sitting in the kitchen.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram Screenshot –

Given the way the dogs attentively and quietly looked at their owner, you just know that someone is in real trouble.

Then, their owner narrated to the dogs the crime that transpired.

Their owner was showing the dogs some love by giving them their favorite treats. The owner said she gave Watson one and Kiko the other. One each is a fair share and that would’ve made everyone happy.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram Screenshot –

But Watson let the temptation get the best of him. Maybe the treats were just too good to pass up or he didn’t know the treats were divided.

The video showed their owner scolding Watson.

Jennifer Medrano can be seen sternly talking to Watson. She even asked Watson if he understand that she was talking to him about the incident.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram Screenshot –

Apparently, Watson gobbled up the treat that was intended for Kiko. However, Medrano still talked to Watson calmly.

“So I gave you a chewy, I gave Kiko a chewy. You ate Kiko’s chewy.” She can be heard saying this behind the camera.

But it wasn’t how the dogs reacted to the scolding that catapulted them to virality.

Medrano then asked Watson about the way their family resolves disputes, especially when it comes to tasty stolen treats.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram –

In just one move, Watson managed to give an apology and make their audiences melt because of pure adorableness.

Watson slowly walked up to Kiko and gave him a big hug.

Medrano acknowledged Watson’s efforts in mending things. And with his head resting on Kiko’s head, Watson hopes that Kiko will let bygones be bygones.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram –

Yes, someone stole someone’s treat but at the end of the day, we can all agree on one thing – that Watson and Kiko are very good boys.

People all over the world expressed how in love they were with the two dogs.

“This is literally my favorite video on the internet,” said one of the commenters on Instagram.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram –

Others commented on how smart the dogs were and how good Medrano was at handling conflicts. They said the dogs have reflected her practice.

Watson and Kiko are also internet superstars.

Even with only less than 500 posts, they have amassed a following of 1 million people on Instagram alone.

Dog gives sweetest 'apology' after stealing his brother's treat
Source: Instagram –

The two have been in a lot of photoshoots that feature their signature hug for each other. You can stay updated with Wastson’s life through their account

Watch how this dog shows he’s better than most people when it comes to apologies. s

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