Vincent: The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Resembling a Black Panther with Canine Charisma

Vincent is a Maine Coon cat living with his owners who have successfully managed to grab everyone’s attention through his large body size, attractive eyes, and black silky fur that makes him appear as if he were a black panther. This mesmerizing creature has a TikTok as well as an Instagram account with a combined follower total of more than five hundred thousand.

Vincent lives with his human owners, Andrey and Anastasia. The couple bought Vincent after they realized that their lives lacked something. Since it was too early for them to bring a child into the world, they thought of getting a cat instead. The Maine Coon’s adorable face instantly made the couple fall in love with him.

Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog

When Vincent was being taken to his forever home, he managed to grab everyone’s attention because he looked similar to a real person. They didn’t immediately come up with a name for the cat and were inspired by the series “Brassic” when they finally decided to name him Vincent. The main character was named Vincent and was somehow similar to the cat.

Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog

Apparently since the Maine Coon is large in size it is difficult to pick him up from the floor. That said, his growth phase is expected to continue for 1-2 more years. He is a playful as well as an adorable cat. After realizing that Vincent possessed the ability to captivate people, the couple then created him an Instagram and TikTok account.

Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog

Soon the gorgeous Maine Coon’s photographs and videos went viral. Vincent is always closely observing what his two human parents are doing and is even sensitive to human pain. His curiosity has led him to keep a close eye on his caregivers. Vincent likes to play football with a small ball made out of twisted foil.

Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog

When he gets bored he brings his ball to his humans and asks them to throw it at him. He then catches the ball and brings it back. This game of catch proves that Vincent is similar to a doggo not just in size, but also in characteristics.

Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog

The caring cat even responds emotionally whenever his human owners sneeze. Andrey and Anastasia admit that it is no easy task caring of the large cat, but they love him nevertheless.

Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog
Meet Vincent, The Fluffy Maine Coon Cat Who Looks Like A Black Panther And Acts Like A Dog

Image Credit & More Info; vincent_blackpanther/instagram | vincent_littlepanther/tiktok

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