Unraveling the mystery: a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage!

This bird stands out from its relatives for its larger size, emerald green feathers, and a mask-shaped pattern reminiscent of rubies on its face.
a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds

Meet the Grass Green Tanager a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds The grass green tanager (Chlorornis riefferii) is instantly recognized by its vibrant emerald green feathers and a distinctive rusty mask, as well as a rusty vent area. This bird is 20 cm long and weighs 53 g. Its beak, irises, and legs share the same rusty brick red color as its mask.

a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds

The female, on the other hand, does not have the black lores, the small black spots on the throat or the bluish wings characteristic of the male. These birds are typically found in the Andean regions of Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru at elevations ranging from 1,500 to 3,350 meters.

a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds

It feeds in the canopy of humid mota forest, often in the company of flocks of mixed species.

a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds

Green grass tapagers have been known to join mixed-species feeding flocks, moving through the low to mid-forest floor in search of fruits and insects. Like other collectors, they crush larger fruits with their beaks or those that are difficult to jump to reach the inside of the octopus, ruling out jumping.

a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds

There is little information about the breeding habits of this bird, however, it is known that the female incubates her young alone and that the male may bring her food while she sits on the nest and helps feed the young until they fledge. Young birds can remain with their parents for months after fledging, forming a small family group.

a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds

Grass Greeп Taпager is a common forest in the mop forests of the eastern slope of the Ades at elevations between 2000 and 3500 m.

a ruby red mask and emerald green plumage! – The Daily Worlds

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