Uncovering nature’s hidden power as we investigate how migratory birds can strengthen our immunity and promote greater health

Uncovering the hidden power of nature as we explore how migratory birds can boost our immunity and promote better health - FRESHNEW

According to a recent study from Lund University in Sweden, migratory birds also require rest to maintain their health. Similar to humans, these birds need time to recover and renew their energy levels after periods of physical exertion. Resting not only repairs injured muscles but also boosts their immune system. High levels of physical activity can negatively impact an individual’s basic immune defense, even in non-human animals such as migratory birds.

Uncovering the hidden power of nature as we explore how migratory birds can boost our immunity and promote better health - FRESHNEW

According to recent research, birds take pit stops during migration not only to build up fat reserves but also to boost their immune systems. These stops are crucial for the birds to recover and prepare for the next leg of their journey. The study, conducted by biologist Arne Hegemann and his colleagues from the Institute for Avian Research in Germany, is the first to demonstrate this phenomenon in wild migratory birds. Hegemann likens these pit stops to a service station on a motorway, where one may stop not just to refuel but also to rest and recover.

Uncovering the hidden power of nature as we explore how migratory birds can boost our immunity and promote better health - FRESHNEW

A group of researchers have recently conducted a study on small migratory birds, such as Chaffinches, Dunnocks, and Common Redstarts, to investigate the changes in their immune system during migration breaks. According to Hegemann, if you spot a little bird in your garden or park during autumn heading towards southern Europe or Africa, it is fascinating to ponder why it is taking a break. The researchers collected and compared data from various individuals and species, and concluded that free-flying migratory birds can restore several parameters of immune function during stationary periods between flights. It is important for these birds to take breaks to recover their immune system since not doing so can make them susceptible to illnesses.

Uncovering the hidden power of nature as we explore how migratory birds can boost our immunity and promote better health - FRESHNEW

Hegemann concludes that there is still much to uncover about avian migration, and it is thrilling to discover new information on a regular basis. This knowledge is crucial in understanding how migrating birds handle the physiological obstacles they encounter during their lengthy travels.

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