The Rescued Black Cat: From Survivor to Sovereign of His Realm

Horst: The Rescued Black Cat Who Became the Ruler of His Domain.NgocChau

Black cats are effortlessly stylish creatures that exude an air of coolness. Their immaculate, glossy coats and captivating eyes against a dark backdrop make them naturally stunning. Horst serves as a testament to the belief that black cats bring good luck, enhance positive vibes, and are extremely awesome. Horst is a charming rescue cat with fangs who loves posing for the camera.

Horst: The Rescued Black Cat Who Became the Ruler of His Domain.NgocChau

Meet Horst, a charming feline who resides in the town of Zwickau in Saxony, Germany with his loyal servants and cat companions. His daily routine consists of showering love on his beloved ones, indulging in his whims, and posing for the camera with his impressive cat teeth while flaunting his regal collar. Horst is undeniably a fun-loving cat, and his captivating images will undoubtedly captivate you as much as they mesmerize me! Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with Horst’s owner and inquire about their dashing and toothy cat. Continue reading to learn more about this stunning and fanged kitty!

Horst: The Rescued Black Cat Who Became the Ruler of His Domain.NgocChau

Horst: The Rescued Black Cat Who Became the Ruler of His Domain.NgocChau

Horst: The Rescued Black Cat Who Became the Ruler of His Domain.NgocChau

Did Horst have any feline roommates?
Horst lived solo for a period until Sammy joined the household in 2012. Horst took on the maternal role and cared for Sammy until he tragically passed away in October 2018. Afterward, Bingo and Rosi joined the family from an animal shelter. The most recent addition is Boris, a ginger cat who arrived in July and has settled in nicely.
Is there anything noteworthy about Bowie that you’d like to share?
Introducing Bowie The Cat: A Rescued Feline With A Natural Talent For Entertaining.

Horst: The Rescued Black Cat Who Became the Ruler of His Domain.NgocChau

Horst: The Rescued Black Cat Who Became the Ruler of His Domain.NgocChau

Are you completely enamored with this adorable little guy? Make sure to keep up with him on Instagram for a constant stream of his regal and awe-inspiring presence. A heartfelt thank you goes out to his owner for allowing us to share his story and photos with our readers. If you know anyone who is a fellow cat enthusiast and would appreciate this handsome feline, be sure to pass along his story!
Looking to get more acquainted with another charming kitty with sharp little fangs? Look no further than Monk’s tale, which you can read here. This street kitten was rescued and adored by a loving woman who gave him a second chance at life.
Are black cats your ultimate weakness? We get it, and we don’t blame you one bit! That’s why we’ve put together a fun and informative video all about these mini-panthers of the domestic cat world. Head over to the Cattitude Daily YouTube channel to check it out!

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