Meet Gandalf: The Adventure-Seeking Feline Who Embarks on Epic Vacations

A 2-year-old Siberian cat residing in California with his owners has a passion for traveling that will leave you surprised. His Instagram account is full of pictures and videos documenting his outdoor adventures, which might make you envious. The feline is mainly an indoor pet, but his owners take him outside on a leash to explore the world. They began doing so when he was just a few weeks old, and Gandalf loved it from the start. The owners claim that he adores his leash and rushes to the door as soon as they pick it up. He has already seen 2 countries and 8 states, but his journey has just begun. His owners are planning to move to New Zealand in 2016, which will be another exciting adventure for him.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

My furry friend absolutely adores his leash! Every time we grab it, he sprints straight to the door and patiently waits for us to put it on him. He’s quite the adventurer and loves going on trips.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

Not long ago, we embarked on a journey with our feline friend named Gandalf.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

He had a great time exploring different locations and socializing with other campers, which brought him joy.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

According to Gandalf’s owners, they took him in from a vet’s office when they resided in Korea.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

When our furry friend was just five weeks old, he came down with a respiratory illness. Fortunately, we found a fantastic vet who was able to nurse him back to health in no time. Thanks to their expertise and care, our little guy is now happy and healthy once more.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

As soon as we brought him home, we were sure that we had hit the jackpot with our new furry friend.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

Despite being more massive and having more fur, he still maintains his kitten-like playfulness.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

We trust that the escapades of our feline friend will encourage you to take your own kitty on adventures around the globe.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

The individuals who are responsible for Gandalf the pet have made plans to relocate to New Zealand sometime next year.

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

This feline friend has its very own passport, or should we say “pawsport”!

Introducing Gandalf The Jet-Setting Feline Who Takes Epic Vacations - yeudon

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