Juno: The ‘Furiously Stylish’ Cat – A Unique Feline Sensation

Juno: The 'Angry Cat' with Totally Rad Fur – A One-of-a-Kind Feline Sensation - yeudon

Juno has a very angry looking face (Picture: Caters News)

Meet Juno. He’s not absolutely fuming with you, or annoyed, or even just disappointed. That’s just his face.

Sweet cat Juno is secretly lovely and chilled, but he suffers from a serious case of angry resting face – his features make him look like a grouchy grandpa ready to scold you.

Thankfully his furious looks haven’t put people off, instead getting him more than 185,000 followers on Instagram

Juno’s followers are such big fans they even demanded the cat bring out his own merchandise (which he now has).

Owner Dominique Teta, 21, from New Jersey, USA decided to set up an account for the cat after seeing the reactions of those who met him.

Dominique said: ‘Juno looks aggravated 95% of the time.

Juno: The 'Angry Cat' with Totally Rad Fur – A One-of-a-Kind Feline Sensation - yeudon

He’s actually really chilled (Picture: Caters News)

‘We think this is mainly down to his strange breed, because Juno is actually really chilled and not angry at all.

‘Juno is primarily a Himalayan mix – we believe his mum is a brown point Himalayan and his father we were told was half Himalayan and half Burmese.

‘We’re currently waiting on DNA results to specify this but I’ve known Juno since the day he was born, actually and I do find his story funny – he was the lone kitten in a litter, which is very unusual and completely unexpected.’

We reckon that Himalayan breed has a lot to answer for – all that fur does make Juno look quite intimidating.

But in reality, he’s not grumpy at all.

Juno: The 'Angry Cat' with Totally Rad Fur – A One-of-a-Kind Feline Sensation - yeudon

He’s Instagram famous (Picture: Caters News)

‘Despite his facial features, Juno is such a chilled cat,’ says Dominique.

‘He likes to play by himself at night in the kitchen, we think because he was the only kitten in his litter he learned to play solo.

‘He always has to be nearby and will occasionally come on your lap for chin scratches, his face only looks angry.

‘The only time he meows is while he is playing or if he hears us humans argue and then he will get concerned and meow in your face.’

As Juno has become a full on celebrity, Dominique has had to become a part-time social media influencer.

She loves the job – and Juno does too, even if he doesn’t show it.

‘I am definitely surprised at the reaction he gets,’ Dominique says.

‘I mean – I know he is one of the coolest looking cats, don’t get me wrong, but to have over 185K followers was never a thought in my mind.

‘I love seeing that he has followers all over the world; we have people walking around in Germany and Australia wearing Juno’s merchandise sweatshirts.’

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