Illuminating the shadows with vibrant crimson splendor

A visually stunning bird, its vivid crimson body shines like a beacon of light! This effect is even more pronounced against the backdrop of its black wings and tail.

Introducing the Brazilian tanager.

illuminating the shadows with vibrant crimson splendor – The Daily Worlds

The Brazilian tanager (Ramphocelus bresilius) is a species of bird belonging to the family Thraupidae. These birds exhibit sexual dimorphism and typically measure around 7.1 inches long, with a weight ranging from 0.99 to 1.25 ounces. They feature a robust beak, and males display bright crimson red plumage along with black wings and tail.

Regarding the coloration of the beak, the upper beak is black, while the lower one is silver in tone.

Additional reading:

– A bird whose vibrant plumage resembles a dreamy Technicolor electric suit!

Females, on the other hand, lack the silvery bill seen in males and are predominantly brown with a tan belly and rump.

illuminating the shadows with vibrant crimson splendor – The Daily Worlds

This species comes from the eastern coast of Brazil and its distribution area extends from Paraíba to Santa Catarina.

illuminating the shadows with vibrant crimson splendor – The Daily Worlds

Brazilian tanagers prefer habitats near forest edges, cultivated land, and even chicken coops. They are also commonly found near lakes, rivers, streams and ponds.

illuminating the shadows with vibrant crimson splendor – The Daily Worlds

Primarily, these birds are frugivorous, showing a preference for fruits such as Cecropia and Acnistus arborescens, but they also consume fruits such as papaya, banana, guava, as well as other tropical varieties. Additionally, they occasionally feed on insects and worms.

illuminating the shadows with vibrant crimson splendor – The Daily Worlds

Brazilian tanagers breed from October to March and build cup-shaped nests using plant fibers from agaves, coconuts, palm trees and roots. They typically lay 2 to 3 eggs, which the female then incubates for about 13 days. After hatching, the chicks reach full maturity within 14 to 17 days.

Despite some traps for the caged bird trade, the Brazilian tanager population remains stable, as this bird demonstrates the ability to adapt to man-made changes in its environment.

illuminating the shadows with vibrant crimson splendor – The Daily Worlds

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