Airbus and EASA Collaborate on Groundbreaking Next-Generation VTOL Aircraft that Astonished the Tech World

In a bid to promote cooperation, Airbus, a European multinational aerospace company, has partnered with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) through the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation. The main objective of this agreement is to facilitate joint efforts in developing upcoming vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) platforms, while concurrently establishing the necessary regulatory structures to support their operation.

The partnership will concentrate on crucial areas of advancement, including the integration of thermal/electric hybrid propulsion systems, advancements in high-speed flight capabilities, certification of pilot assistance systems, and implementation of condition-based maintenance practices.

Airbus And EASA Cooperate To Develop The Next-Generation VTOL Aircraft That Shocked The Technology World

According to Airbus Helicopters CEO Bruno Even: “Innovation that benefits customers is at the heart of Airbus Helicopters strategy and we are committed to working hand-in-hand with authorities around our innovation projects with the same professional approach, experience and spirit that have driven our legacy products.”

Airbus And EASA Cooperate To Develop The Next-Generation VTOL Aircraft That Shocked The Technology World

Airbus And EASA Cooperate To Develop The Next-Generation VTOL Aircraft That Shocked The Technology World

Both the EASA and Airbus are already currently working on several means to define and regulate the current developing aerial mobility sector. Notably, the EASA recently released a “Special Condition” pertaining to the certification of eVTOL aircraft in July 2019, and have looked into the certification for VTOL platforms as well. Airbus has been heavily invested in the aerial mobility industry, simultaneously working on several projects intended to explore the viability and commercial applications in the sector.

Airbus And EASA Cooperate To Develop The Next-Generation VTOL Aircraft That Shocked The Technology World

Airbus’ A³ Vahana VTOL Project

“Partnerships with industry are part of our strategy to ensure that innovation in the aviation market happens safely,” said EASA Executive Director Patrick Ky. “The learnings we derive from cutting edge technologies play a significant role in helping us to prepare our certification methodologies for these new advancements. The cooperation on innovation with Airbus Helicopters represents an important contribution to this strategy.”

Airbus And EASA Cooperate To Develop The Next-Generation VTOL Aircraft That Shocked The Technology World

The Airbus Vahana II demonstrator

Why it’s important: Cooperation between one of the largest aerospace companies and the EASA could indicate that development and commercialization of the aerial mobility could progress at a faster pace. While commercialization of aerial mobility has already been projected to happen within the next decade, several companies still face regulatory issues in getting their vehicles certified and getting the right infrastructure in place. Airbus intends to take the lead by cooperating with the main authority that will oversee aerial mobility in Europe.

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