A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat, the Serenading Songbird

A brightly colored bird species that can be heard singing beautiful melodies from the highest branches of trees. Keep your ears open for their distinctive ‘took-o-rrook’ calls, which are usually repeated three or four times in a rowThe Serenading Songbird: A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat - FRESHNEW

The azure-throated barbet, which is known as Psilopogon asiaticus in scientific terms, is a bird that measures about 9 to 11 inches or 23 to 28 centimeters in total length including the tail. The bird weighs approximately 2.7 to 3.6 ounces or 78 to 103 grams. It has an attractive green plumage with a gorgeous blue throat and face that add to its charm. Its countenance is further enhanced by a red forehead and a cap edged in black, which resemble eyebrows.

The Serenading Songbird: A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat - FRESHNEW

The area between the forehead and cap is separated by a light blue patch, and on each side of the throat, you’ll see two small red patches. The upper tail and wings are covered in green shades, while the lower parts display yellow-green colors. The tail’s underside features blue-green tones, and the bird’s bill is strong and ivory-colored with bristles. To complement their striking look, the birds have brown eyes and gray feet.

The Serenading Songbird: A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat - FRESHNEW

The azure-throated barbet, regardless of gender, exhibits a noticeable similarity in appearance. Younger birds also have a similar look to adults but with a lighter coloration throughout their body.

The Serenading Songbird: A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat - FRESHNEW

Asian barbets are indigenous to the foothills of the Himalayas and Southeast Asia, where they are primarily found in forested environments located between 200 to 2000 meters above sea level. They occupy various habitats, such as lowland forests, subtropical and tropical montane forests, primary and secondary forests, and deciduous forests. Moreover, they can also be seen in human-made locations like plantations, rural gardens, urban parks, and orchards.

The Serenading Songbird: A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat - FRESHNEW

The azure-throated barbet is a typical inhabitant of the forest canopy and enjoys a diet of figs, insects, and even flowers. Although they usually stay up high, they may come down to lower shrubs and bushes to find food.

The Serenading Songbird: A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat - FRESHNEW

From March to July, breeding takes place and the bird species excavates a nest hole about 1.5 meters above the ground. Usually, the hole is found under a dead branch. The nest is then lined with grass, wool, and other plant materials to make it comfortable for the eggs. The female bird lays around 2 to 5 eggs which are taken care of by both parents for nearly two weeks until they hatch. After the chicks hatch, the parents provide them food and care until they are ready to fledge, which takes about 30 to 40 days.

The Serenading Songbird: A Colorful Beauty with a Shimmering Blue Throat - FRESHNEW

The exact number of azure-throated barbets (Psilopogon asiaticus) in the world is unknown. However, these birds are said to be common across their range, which covers a vast area of approximately 4,020,000 square kilometers.

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