Tips and Tricks for a Blooming Garden

African violets are usually grown under fluorescent lights placed 12 to 15 inches above the leaves. If the leaves begin to turn light green, your plant is receiving too much light, while thin, dark green leaves or a leggy plant indicate too little light.


Soil A well-drained potting mix is essential for African violets. Poor drainage can lead to root rot, where the plant becomes waterlogged and its leaves begin to drop, so make sure the plant is never exposed to standing water for an extended period of time.1

Water Keep the soil moist with warm water and aim for high humidity. Do not allow water to come into contact with the plant’s leaves to avoid damage, other than light misting. Water from below or push the watering can into the ground when watering. Do not let the plant sit in water.


Temperature and Humidity African violets like warm, humid conditions and thrive at 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not let the temperature drop below about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Do everything you can to keep plants out of drafts in the home.

FertilizerFeed with an African violet fertilizer every two weeks during spring and summer. For the amount to use, follow the instructions on the product label.

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