The ancient Egyptians’ unique home for cats

The ancient Egyptians worshiped many animals for thousands of years. Animals are revered for a variety of reasons, such as dogs representing protection and hunting abilities. However, cats are arguably the most special species. The Egyptians believed that cats were magical creatures capable of bringing good fortune to their owners.

Vị trí đặc biệt của những chú mèo đối với người Ai Cập cổ đại

Illustration: National Geographic

To honor this pet, wealthy families wear them precious stones and feed them with premium foods. When the cats died, they were mummified.

Along with hieroglyphs, obelisks, and cubic motifs, cats are also featured in ancient Egyptian art, reflecting the animal’s unique place among its inhabitants. along the Nile. Cats were originally bred by the ancient Egyptians as a useful predator, and they gradually became a symbol of deity and protection.

“Although it’s hard to say what the Egyptians thought because so much has changed in more than 3,000 years of history, in general, the ancient Egyptians did not worship animals. Instead, they considered animals to be animals. represent the sacred aspects of the gods,” said Julia Troche, an Egyptologist and professor of history at Missouri State University.

Whether cats were worshiped as gods or not, they still played an integral role in the life of the ancient Egyptians. Based on mummified cats discovered in tombs with humans, we can see that they played an important role in life after death in the Egyptian concept.

In the history of human civilization, the ancient Egyptians considered cats a companion with many benefits. After keeping the cat as a pet, they want to continue to maintain that relationship after death.

“The mausoleum is the eternal home after death,” explains Troche.

“In the mausoleum, we will see descriptions of the family, the greatest achievements and awards as well as the things that the person loved. So the fact that the cats appear here speaks to the role. of them in the daily life of the ancient Egyptians and their wish, that they would accompany them in the afterlife”.

The appearance of cats is not only depicted through paintings on tombs. Some cats have even been mummified and placed in their owners’ graves, according to the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

In addition to catching mice, snakes and other domestic pests, the ancient Egyptians believed that cats possessed intelligence, agility, and strength.

The ancient Egyptians also believed that gods could take on different forms, including animals, including cats.

“Gods can dwell in cats. That’s why they were mummified and there was even an ancient Egyptian cat breeding and mummification industry.”

As a way of mourning the dead cats, cat owners will shave their eyebrows and continue to mourn them until their eyebrows grow back. Artwork from ancient Egypt shows statues and paintings of a variety of cats. Cats are so special that those who kill them, even accidentally, will be sentenced to death.

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