Deaf Cat Has a Clean, Comfy Place for the First Time, She’s Truly Living Up to Her New Name
A deaf cat has a clean, comfy place for the first time in her life. She’s truly living up to her new name. Cloud 9 LittleWanderersNYC Rescuers at Little Wanderers NYC responded to a request to help a number of cats living in a hoarding situation. After …

Cat Roams Around Town and Finally Steps into a House, He Turns Out to Be the Gentlest Soul
A stray cat roamed around town and finally stepped into a home. He turned out to be the gentlest soul. Bobble Hat TheStrayCatClub Five months ago, a black and white cat from a colony of abandoned cats received a new lease on life when a volunteer from …

Cat with a Bent Ear Comes Up to People for Help, They Get Her Indoors Just in Time for Her Kittens to Arrive
A cat with a bent ear came up to kind people for help. They got her indoors just in time for her kittens to arrive. Freya Ellen Richter A few Good Samaritans noticed a stray cat with a bent ear wandering around the neighborhood and began feeding her. …

After spending a considerable amount of time outside, the cat is all cuddles and purrs for being indoors once more.
A cat is all snuggles and purrs for being indoors again after having lived outside for quite some time. Mr. Waffles the catFriends for Life Rescue NetworkA 10-year-old cat was brought into Orange County Animal Care, rough around the edges and in need of a lot of TL…

Stray Cat Climbs a Fire Escape to Get into Someone’s Home So Her Life Can Change
A stray cat climbed a fire escape to get into someone’s home, so her life could change. Lanna the tortie catBushwick Street CatsOver two months ago, a tortoiseshell cat was spotted climbing a fire escape at a residential building in Brooklyn, seeking not only food …

Cat Appearance for Assistance He’s a big character with a lot to give after years of surviving the streets
A cat showed up for help after years braving the streets. Now, he’s a big character with so much to give. Leon the cat@comrescuemontrealAn orange tabby showed up in a cat colony one day scrounging around for food. Sia, a carer for the local strays, started feeding …