Surprise Encounter! Young Crocodile Stunned to Discover ‘Rock’ It Climbed Is Actually a Hippo!

Mistaking the hippo’s broad, sturdy back for a rock, the young crocodile crawled up to lie in the sun and was shocked when it realized the truth.


(Source Thesun)The hilarious and dramatic moment when a young crocodile panicked after mistaking a hippo’s back for a large, wide rock was captured by photographer James Armstrong, 39, while he was travelling with friends to the Klaserie Game Reserve Private wildlife sanctuary.


This dramatic scene happened when it was hot and the temperature rose so high that the giant hippo submerged 4/5 of its body in water to cool down, only revealing its large, wide and sturdy back, causing the young crocodile to mistake it for a rock and crawl up.

(Source Thesun)

James Armstrong said that when he started taking the photo, he didn’t realize it was happening. However, after just a few minutes of careful observation, James realized something was wrong and discovered that the baby crocodile was lying on the back of the giant hippo without even knowing it.

(Source Thesun)

The moment the hippo felt the movement and moved its body, the baby crocodile was frozen in fear. It lay still on the hippo’s back and waited for everything to pass smoothly.

(Source Thesun)

Seemingly too scared, the foolish baby crocodile did not dare to move or move at all. Meanwhile, the giant hippo did not seem to care much about the baby crocodile’s confusion, it remained submerged in the water and calm.


The young crocodile was lucky that the giant hippo was relaxing and did not get angry and kill it.


In fact, only young crocodiles have the courage and foolishness to climb onto the back of a giant hippo.

(Source Thesun)

Mistaking a hippo’s back for a rock and leisurely lying on it to sunbathe can be a fatal mistake, costing the crocodile its life.

Living together in the river, hippos and crocodiles have had many life-and-death clashes and most of the time the giant hippos have won.

(Source Thesun)

Although known as the crocodile of death , famous for its thousand-pound bite, due to the huge difference in size and weight, crocodiles still often lose to the most ferocious hippos in the world .

(Source Thesun)

When facing drought and falling into the hippo’s battlefield , crocodiles can only endure the battle and eventually die senselessly before the hippo’s terrifying attacks .

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