Lucky dog ​​was rescued when it was about to be sent to the slaughterhouse


In Vietnam, many people devour dog meal. other people hang canine to protect build up them and advertise thel to the saulghterhouse for money .

On our solution to the patrol residential house, We discovered and rescued them from being purchased into the slaughterhouse. then again those are the few that have been rescued, what about the ones that can’t be came upon .


We discovered a girl sporting pitiful dog to the slaughterhouse available on the market . In the beginning , I asked her to buy it once more for 200 thousand VND, then 500 thousand, then 700 thousand then again she refused difinitely to put it on the market .


Finally , we had to buy it another time for 900 thousand VND, equivalent to 45 USD .She asked for a actually hight price compared to the vietnames marketplace . Then again we however have to easily settle for on account of deficient canine should be rescued in time . In every other case she is going to put it on the market to the slaughterhouse .


Have a look , it was once tied very tightlu, very pipifully . then again no longer as pitiful as it was once purchased into the slaughterhouse and slaughtered .


Is a loyal animal, a just right pal worthy of being killed for meat ?

Why are thery so ruthless ?
Tey tied it up very tightly , making it very painful ….Mentally it is very panic !

I have to reassure it generally !
it panicked so it attempted to escape if it had the chance . On account of it panic , it does not have any passion for foods , even concept it is very hungry .
We’re going to ship him to the care middle and will uncover him a nice owner .

it took a bath , it was once so dirty and pungent then again finally it was once obedient .

 He is very shocking, very gorgeous, a white spotted, black brown dog and it’s going to find a just right owner briefly .

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