Let me introduce you to Juno, the furry, irate cat who will blow your mind.

""Meet"There are so many beautiful cats and dogs on Instagram, but only a few manage to catch our attention, and Juno, the 25% Burmese and 75% Himalayan cat, as listed on her official Instagram page, is definitely one of them. . ""Meet"This is Juno, a 6-year-old girl who has stolen our hearts with her charming appearance and personality. He has an angry face and has better hair than all of us combined.""Meet"

""Meet"""Meet"Although he sometimes seems unimpressed and even angry, this does not stop him from showing love to his owners and everyone around him. Some of his followers claim that he is a Robert De Niro in cat form, others are amazed at how human this beautiful feline looks.""Meet"

It all started when his human shared photos of him on Instagram. At first, people were impressed by his grumpy face, but then his crazy fabulous hair also went viral when his owners started combing his ears.""Meet"

While her fans around the world love her, others are simply amazed by her facial expressions. Some of them even say that Juno is a replica of Robert De Niro.""Meet"


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