Vermilion flycatchers are some of the only members of the flycatcher family with brightly colored feathers. These flashy songbirds are territorial, musical, and terrifying to


Blue Jays are among some of the most recognized backyard birds in North America. Whether you’re an experienced bird watcher or just interested in these

21 Amazing Bee Hummingbird Facts (With Pictures)

The bee hummingbird is an amazing, unique bird. It’s not only special among hummingbird species, but among all the birds of the world. These birds

Twelve Fascinating Details About the Northern Flicker

The northern flicker can be found almost everywhere in North America, and it’s easy to identify with its striking spotted plumage. Find out more about

Look At This Beautiful Sunbird, Glowing In A Blinding Crimson Coat, Recognizable By A Shiny Fu Manchu Mustache

This bird appears conspicuously among the foliage of the forest. Its crimson coat burns like a fire. Its glossy Fu Manchu mustache is distinguishable. Let’s

Let’s adore the stunning olive-backed sunbird with its metallic blue and yellow feathers

No one, including those who have no affinity for birds, can deny the beauty of this creature. Their soft feathers are unique, and the wide

This magnificent bird that resembles a clown is unquestionably the pinnacle of Mother Nature

These feathered guys will never fail to capture tourists’ vision due to their funny clownlike appearance. They are Chestnut-breasted malkoha (Phaenicophaeus curvirostris), a species of

Male vs. female cardinals: 5 Key Differences and Interesting Information

Male and female cardinals are easily identified due to their differences in coloration. However, these beautiful songbirds have other differences that are unique to their

5 Birds That Alert Other Animals to Potential Danger

Sounding an alarm is an important survival tactic for many birds. They usually only call out to members of their own species. But sometimes other

Meet the Red-Crested Cardinal (Facts and Photos)

The red-crested cardinal is a medium-sized bird that looks a lot like the well-known Northern Cardinal. However, this songbird is related to tanagers. It is