The world-renowned football great Lionel Messi is launching a new endeavor in an attempt to expand his notoriety beyond the game. On November 8, Sergio Agüero, the company’s creator, declared that Messi is now a co-owner of KRÜ Esports. Since Messi …
Lionel Messi and his wife Antonela are currently enjoying a luxurious stay at the Four Seasons hotel in Paris, which costs around £7,000 a week. This getaway follows PSG’s successful pre-season tour of Japan, where the team won all three matches, …
Lionel Messi, the Argentine star and considered one of the best footballers in history, has finally spoken out about the rumours of infidelity that have surrounded him for years. The speculations, which linked him to sports journalist Sofi Martinez, …
Before moving to Inter Miami, Lionel Messi is experiencing life to the fullest. That is by taking his wife and children on a bike ride in Argentina. After two years in the French city, Messi, 35, made the decision to leave Paris Saint-Germain. He …
After Argentina won the World Cup, Luis SUAREZ went to his best friend Lionel Messi’s house for Christmas. Adoring supporters greeted Messi like a hero when he returned to Rosario, the city where he grew up. After being met with wild scenes upon …