One of the strangest sharks in the world is the hammerhead.



Hammerhead sharks are also one of the best predators, possessing an oddly shaped head that is quite useful in finding food.

Common Name: Hammerhead Shark (or Hammer Shark)
Scientific name: Sphyrnidae
Type: Fish
Diet: Carnivores
Average life expectancy in the wild: 20 to 30 years
Size: 13 to 20 feet (approximately 4 to 6 meters)
Weight: 500 to 1,000 pounds (about 225 to 450 kilograms)

Hammerhead Shark - one of the weirdest sharks in the world

Unique features
The hammer shark’s eye position allows it to have a better vision than most other sharks. Together with specialized sensory organs distributed widely on the large head, they can scan deep into the ocean and find food more easily.
Sharks possess a group of sensory organs also known as “Ampullae Lorenzini senses”, which allow them to detect electromagnetic pulses or prey activity. The ampullae’s sensitivity in Hammerhead Sharks is quite high, so this makes it easy for them to find their favorite meals like Stingray even though these stubborn prey are well hidden in the sand.

Hammerhead Shark - one of the weirdest sharks in the world

The giant hammerhead shark is the largest of the nine known hammerhead shark species to date. They can grow to more than 20 feet (6 meters) in length and weigh more than 1,000 pounds (450 kg), but smaller species occur frequently in the seas.

Found primarily in temperate and tropical seas worldwide, both inshore and offshore, hammerhead sharks are often seen in crowded summer migrations to find Look for cooler waters. They are usually gray-brown or olive green in color on the upper body and white belly with strong jaws with extremely sharp serrated teeth. In particular, the sharp fin on the back makes it easy to recognize them compared to many other shark species.

Hammerhead Shark - one of the weirdest sharks in the world

Interaction with Humans
Most hammer sharks are quite small and are considered harmless to humans. However, the huge and fierce hammer sharks are also quite dangerous, although there are very few recorded attacks.

Hammerhead Shark - one of the weirdest sharks in the world

Some interesting facts about Hammer Shark you may not know:
• Hammerhead sharks use their large hammerhead to hold rays to the seabed when they resist.
• Hammerhead sharks have a special type of muscle that allows their head to move up and down very flexibly.

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