Man Creates Indoor Fake Tree For His Cat, And The Cat Loves It

Rob Rogalski captivates with his colourful artwork. You are whisked away to a magical realm that seems amazingly genuine by his puppets, tiny film sets, and sculptures. It seems incredible, doesn’t it? Not only does Rob’s work delight humans, but it has also won over the hearts of cats everywhere with this fantastic cat tree installation that is ideal for

If you would like to have your very own lovely cat climber installation, which was meticulously constructed at a friend’s house over the course of a summer, you will need to extend an invitation to Rob

Wow. This is magnificent.

“I begin my do-it-yourself projects by building a wooden armature to provide structure. Then I attaché, carve sheets or blocks of foam, and finally cover them with a paper pulp/particle clay. This process is repeated for permanent installations like trees, beds, reading nooks, cats, and furniture.,”

I do not own a  cat but I’d still have one.

That’s one lucky cat.

Each cat playground is unique; it is an organic process,” Rob explained in an interview, “so I tailor my designs and constructions to meet the needs of my clients and the specifics of the place.”

The cat seems to be having the time of his life.

I need a cat, so that I have an excuse to build one.

Then, it’s combined with strong wood glue (or fibreglass resin, though I personally don’t like the latter) to make something that lasts a very long time.

Also he does contracting, feel free to reach out if you want one as well.

Rob the creator is such a genius.

I use cardboard and paper mache to construct “a tree” whenever I need something temporary or for house upgrades that don’t require much structure, such as a stage set or a shopfront display. Between the two methods, I sometimes use a hybrid approach. This will last a long time.

It’s a beautiful piece.

Worth every dollar!

The tree shelf is also a genius idea.

“I charge a fair fee because of the time and labour involved in making something like this,” Rob adds. The supplies are paid for individually by my client, therefore this does not include those costs. How much it all costs depends on the size and any extras you choose. How much stuff you need depends on your job and how much time you put in.

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