Buffalo Strikes Back: Gores Lion to Death in Dramatic Counterattack


According to The Sun , the fierce battle between a herd of buffalo and a hunting lion was captured in its entirety by photographer Van den Heever in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.

According to The Sun , the fierce battle between a herd of buffalo and a hunting lion was captured in its entirety by photographer Van den Heever in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.


When she discovered her calf was being attacked, the mother buffalo panicked and tried to rescue her calf from the two hungry lions, but quickly became vulnerable to the predators. One lion suddenly jumped up and bit the mother buffalo on the back. The lions tried several times to pull her down.

When she discovered her calf was being attacked, the mother buffalo panicked and tried to rescue her calf from the two hungry lions, but quickly became vulnerable to the predators. One lion suddenly jumped up and bit the mother buffalo on the back. The lions tried several times to pull her down.


Sensing the danger, a brave bull charged towards the lions. He used all his strength to chase away the two uninvited guests.

Sensing the danger, a brave bull charged towards the lions. He used all his strength to chase away the two uninvited guests.


The strong male buffalo proactively attacked two lions to protect the injured female.

The strong male buffalo proactively attacked two lions to protect the injured female.


Fear was evident in the lioness’ eyes as she realized she had lost the advantage and it was time to retreat.

Fear was evident in the lioness’ eyes as she realized she had lost the advantage and it was time to retreat.


The bull used its large, sharp horns to attack head-on. Its powerful charge buried the lioness in the mud.

The bull used its large, sharp horns to attack head-on. Its powerful charge buried the lioness in the mud.


The lioness crawled out of the mud with her body covered in mud and injuries. According to Van den Heever, the lioness crawled out of the mud and died two days later.

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