Salem’s follows in his mother’s footsteps and receives a degree in emotional support, demonstrating that cats can have a significant impact as well.

Salem’s story is truly heartwarming. He was rescued by his loving human family when he was just 7 weeks old and had both legs broken. After receiving proper veterinary care, Salem made a full recovery and became the happiest and safest cat one could ever hope for.

As Salem grew bigger, his mother, Hailee Weader, noticed that he had an uncanny ability to sense her emotions and comfort her when she was feeling down. He would rub against her legs and purr, providing her with a sense of calmness that was truly invaluable.




Eventually, when Hailee was ready to finish her college studies, she realized that she needed Salem’s help in order to get through it. During her final year of college, Salem became her emotional support cat, accompanying her everywhere she went on campus.


Salem quickly became a beloved figure on campus, with people stopping to pet him or speak with him whenever they saw him. He was like a tiny hero, bringing joy to everyone he met.

When the time came for Hailee to receive her diploma, Salem was right by her side. He had been her rock throughout college, helping her in countless ways, and he deserved to graduate with her.

Due to the pandemic, the graduation ceremony was short and sweet, but Salem was still able to participate in his finest graduation attire. He was a hit with everyone who saw him, and the day was truly special and memorable.


Hailee never could have imagined that Salem would be able to help her so much when she first rescued him. They have both been there for each other through thick and thin, and their bond is truly unbreakable.

If you want to learn more about Salem and his family, be sure to follow him on Instagram and keep up with his amazing adventures.


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