“30 Breathtaking Birds of the World: Discover 30 Feathered Wonders”

The Blue Jay is a fascinating bird species known for its vibrant blue feathers and distinctive call. This bird is a common sight in many parts of North America, particularly in suburban areas with plenty of trees and shrubs. While some people may find Blue Jays to be a nuisance due to their loud calls and tendency to steal food from bird feeders, others appreciate them for their beauty and intelligence. Overall, the Blue Jay is a unique and interesting bird that adds a touch of color and character to any backyard or natural setting.

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The Blue Jay, scientifically known as Cyanocitta cristata, is a bird species that is indigenous to North America. However, they are predominantly found in the central and eastern parts of the United States. These avian creatures measure ten inches in length and weigh around three ounces. Blue Jays typically feed on nuts, seeds, and acorns, but they occasionally consume small insects like grasshoppers, caterpillars, or beetles. One distinguishing feature of these birds is their vibrant blue hue, coupled with a light grey chest and white face. Additionally, when Blue Jays are frightened or agitated, the crest on their head stands upright, providing another means of identification.

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The Red-crested Turaco, scientifically known as Tauraco erythrolophus, is a bird species native to Africa. They can be spotted living in sub-Saharan Africa’s savannas, woodlands, and forests. Red Crested Turacos generally measure around 20 inches in length and weigh less than one pound. They have a diverse diet that consists of seeds, fruits, flowers, leaves, and termites.
Although they aren’t great at flying, Red Crested Turacos are impressive runners and their vocalizations resemble that of a jungle monkey. With a green body, white face, and a striking red crest, their beautiful plumage can reach nearly two inches in height, as reported by seaworld.com. Another notable bird species is the Golden Pheasant.

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Ranked at number 3, this avian creature is undeniably one of the most beautiful birds that exist on our planet. Known as Golden Pheasants or Chrysolophus pictus in Latin, they are also referred to as “rainbow pheasant” and “Chinese pheasant”. These magnificent creatures are native to the mountains of western and central China. The males of this species can grow up to 3 ½ feet while females measure up to 2 ½ feet. Their diet includes berries, grains, seeds, and grubs. Golden Pheasants boast a unique and stunning golden crest, vibrant feathers exhibiting a spectrum of colors, and lengthy tail feathers. In fourth place, we have the Painted Bunting.

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The Painted Bunting, scientifically named Passerina ciris, is a bird species commonly found in the southern regions of North America. During migration, they can be found in Central America and the Caribbean. Generally, their diet consists of seeds and grains, but during breeding season, they also consume various insects. The male birds are known for their stunning multicolored feathers, including shades of blue, red, green, and yellow, which become visible after they reach two years of age. Lastly, let’s not forget about the majestic Flamingo!

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Flamingos, scientifically known as Phoenicopterus, are found in the Americas (Caribbean), Africa, Asia, and Europe. These lovely birds can grow up to 4 feet tall and weigh about 7 pounds. Their diet includes small insects, shrimp, and blue-green algae. Interestingly, flamingos’ pink color comes from the shrimp they consume. The more shrimp they eat, the brighter their feathers become, while fewer amounts make them look whiter. It’s quite common to see these birds standing or sleeping on one leg with the other tucked underneath them. Moving on to another bird, we have the Hyacinth Macaw.

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The Hyacinth Macaw, scientifically known as Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, can be found in the eastern and central regions of South America. Despite being native to the wild, they are often kept as pets. These vibrant birds can grow up to three feet long and weigh approximately 3.5 pounds. Their diet consists mainly of hard nuts and seeds, and their powerful beaks can even crack a coconut.
Easily recognizable by their bright cobalt-blue feathers with yellow accents around their eyes and beak, this parrot species is known for its gentle nature and loud calls. The Hyacinth Macaw is also the largest parrot species.
Moving on to another avian species, we have the Quetzal.

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The Quetzal, scientifically known as Pharomachrus mocinno, can be spotted in the forests of Mexico down to Panama. These avian creatures are approximately 12 inches in length and weigh only a quarter of a pound. Their diet consists of fruit, lizards, insects, and other small animals. One of the most striking features of the Quetzal is their luscious red, blue, and green plumage. Additionally, the males showcase twin tail feathers that they lose after mating, which distinguishes them from the females who do not possess such long twin tail feathers. Moving on to another fascinating bird species, we have the Hoopoe.

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The Upupidae, commonly known as the Hoopoe, can be found in continents like Africa, Europe, and Asia. This particular bird species is relatively small, growing up to only 5 inches long and weighing a mere 2 ounces. Their diet usually consists of various kinds of insects such as ants, beetles, crickets, and locusts among others. You can spot a Hoopoe by its distinct physical features which include a long beak, black and white striped feathers, brown head, and brown crest with black and white stripes on the tips. Interestingly enough, the Hoopoe is the national bird of Israel. Moving on, let’s take a look at the Atlantic Puffin.

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The Atlantic Puffin, or Fratercula arctica as it is scientifically known, can be spotted in the vicinity of the Atlantic Ocean. It stands at approximately one foot tall and carries a weight of around one pound. These birds primarily feed on crustaceans and fish.
Notably, Atlantic Puffins boast a black body with a white chest and strikingly vibrant orange feet. During winter, their beaks change color from bright orange to grey.
Though similar in appearance to penguins, these creatures hold more resemblance to a parrot than a penguin.
Lastly, let’s not forget the magnificent Green Wing Macaw Parrot!

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The Ara chloropterus, more commonly known as the Green Wing Macaw Parrot, can be found residing in central and northern regions of South America. These birds typically measure approximately 40 inches in length and weigh under 3 pounds. They have a varied diet consisting of fruits, nuts, seeds, and berries. One striking feature of these parrots is their vibrant red, blue, and green coloring, with stunning red feathers adorning their bodies, and a green band around their wings and back. Their wings and tail feathers are tipped with blue hues. Moving on to another bird species, we have the Stork-billed Kingfisher.

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One of the birds found in Southeast Asia and tropical regions of India is the Stork-billed Kingfisher, scientifically known as Pelargopsis capensis. These feathered creatures can reach up to 14 inches in length and weigh around half a pound. They have a varied diet consisting of fish, rodents, crabs, frogs, and other small birds. The Stork-billed Kingfisher is recognizable by its long red beak, brown head, yellow chest, and blue wings. Another bird species found in these regions is the Peafowl.

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Let’s chat about the stunning bird known as the Peafowl, scientifically named Pavo cristatus. You might recognize them by their more commonly known name, Peacock, which is reserved for the male species. These birds are native to India and enjoy a diet consisting of seeds, flowers, plants, small insects, frogs, and small reptiles.

When fully grown, Peafowls can reach up to 4 feet in height and weigh as much as 14 pounds. Their most distinctive feature is their tail feathers, which can stretch up to an impressive 6 feet in length. These magnificent birds typically have green or blue bodies and are adorned with breathtaking tail feathers that spread out behind them.

Moving on, let’s talk about another visually striking bird – the Rainbow Lorikeet.

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The Trichoglossus moluccanus, commonly known as Rainbow Lorikeets, are indigenous to Australia. These vibrant birds can reach a length of 12 inches and weigh up to 5.5 ounces. Their diet typically consists of fruit, nectar, small insects, and flower pollen. The bright orange beaks and chests, blue heads, and green wings make them easily recognizable. It’s worth mentioning that both male and female lorikeets possess the same striking and vivid coloring patterns. Another intriguing bird with an interesting bill is the Keel-billed Toucan.

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The Ramphastos sulfuratus bird, commonly known as the Keel-billed Toucan, can be spotted in tropical forests across Mexico to Columbia. These birds can grow up to six inches long and weigh up to 18 ounces. While fruits are their main source of food, they are not opposed to munching on insects, lizards, eggs, or baby birds. You may recognize Toucans as the face of several cereal box mascots. These birds have a striking appearance with a large, colorful bill, a black body, and a bright yellow chest. Moving on to another feathered friend, we have the Northern Oriole.

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The Icterus galbula, commonly known as the Northern Oriole, is a bird species that can be found in the northern parts of Canada and as far south as the central and eastern areas of the United States. With a length of around 8 inches and a weight of up to 2 ounces, these birds have a diet that consists of fruits, flowers, nectar, and insects.

One of the distinctive features of these birds is their black head, fire-orange chest, and white streaks on their wings, making them easy to recognize. It’s worth noting that the Baltimore Orioles, a Major League Baseball team, use this bird as their mascot.

Another beautiful bird species is the African Crowned Crane.

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The Balearica regulorum, also known as the African Crowned Crane, is found in Africa and stands at a height of 3 ½ feet. Their diet consists of grains, seeds, plants, worms, small fish, and eggs. These birds are stunning with their black and white bodies, cream-colored tail feathers, and a bristly cream-colored crest. Another fascinating bird is the Bohemian Waxwing.

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The Bombycilla garrulus, commonly known as the Bohemian Waxwing, can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia. These birds are relatively small, measuring around 8 inches in length and weighing less than 2 ounces. They have a diet primarily consisting of fruit, but may occasionally feed on insects. The Bohemian Waxwing has a light brown and grey body with a stunning peach-colored head. Its wings feature blue tips and its tail appears to have been dipped in yellow.

Moving on to the Broad-Billed Hummingbird…

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The Cynanthus latirostris, commonly known as the Broad-billed Hummingbird, can be found in North America. These little birds measure only 10 cm in length and weigh less than 4 mg. They mostly feed on nectar and love sugar water from bird feeders. Their stunning appearance includes a long beak and bodies with blue and green colors. Their wings move at an impressive speed of up to 78 beats per second. Moving on to another species, we have the Dusky Lory.

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The Pseudos fuscata, more commonly known as the Dusky Lory, can be found in New Guinea and its nearby islands. These birds are relatively small, measuring about 10 inches in length and weighing less than 10 ounces. Their diet consists of a variety of foods such as fruit, seeds, nectar, and insects. One of the distinguishing features of the Dusky Lory is their vibrant orange beaks and feathers that range in color from orange to yellow, blue, and green. Another beautiful bird that catches the eye is the Scarlet Macaw.

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“Feathered Wonders: Discover 30 Breathtaking Birds of the World” - FRESHNEW

The Peafowl, also referred to as the Peacock for males, is scientifically named Pavo cristatus and originates from India. Their diet consists of seeds, flowers, plants, small insects, frogs, and small reptiles. These birds can grow up to 4 feet tall and weigh up to 14 pounds with tail feathers reaching a maximum length of 6 feet. Typically, Peafowls have either green or blue bodies with stunning tail feathers that fan out behind them. Another bird worth mentioning is the Wood Duck.

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The Wood Duck is an indigenous species of North America with the scientific name Aix sponsa. They can reach heights of up to 21 inches and weigh as much as 2 pounds. Their diet primarily consists of plants, although they also enjoy fruits, nuts, and seeds. These charming ducks have light-colored bellies, chestnut-colored chests, black wings, and white highlights. The males are more vividly colored than the females. Moving on to the Blue Bird-of-Paradise…

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The Paradisaea rudolphi, commonly known as the Blue Bird-of-Paradise, is a small bird species found in Papua New Guinea. They are lightweight, measuring less than one foot in length and weighing less than 0.25 pounds. Their diet mainly consists of berries, fruits, and insects, but they have also been observed eating reptiles. These birds are easily identifiable by their black and blue feathers, with a black face and creased blue head. Another unique bird species found in Papua New Guinea is the Gurney’s Pitta.

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The Maylay Peninsula is home to the Gurney’s Pitta, scientifically known as Hydrornis gurneyi. These birds can grow up to 7 inches in length and weigh a quarter of a pound. Their diet consists mainly of worms, insects, and slugs. Their vibrant appearance includes yellow and orange on their heads, as well as blue, white, and brown bodies. While males are brighter, females also have a blue cap on top of their heads. Moving on to another bird species, we have the Lilac Breasted Roller.

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The Coracias caudatus, also known as the Lilac Breasted Roller, is an African bird species that measures less than 4 inches in length and weighs less than 4 ounces. Its diet mainly consists of insects, amphibians, and small lizards. This bird’s stunning appearance is characterized by green and blue feathers with a lilac-colored chest, brown eyes, and a black beak.

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The Secretary bird is a remarkable bird of prey that can be found in the open grasslands and savanna of the sub-Saharan region. What sets it apart from other birds of prey is that it primarily lives on land, making it the only living bird of prey with terrestrial habits. With its long legs and slender body, this bird stands out with its distinctive features. Its legs are covered in thick scales, which protect them from snakebites. Fully grown, the Secretary bird measures around 47 inches long and has a wingspread of about 83 inches. It’s also recognized for its unique black crest features that resemble quill pens behind its ears. This is where it gets its name – in the early days, secretaries would often keep pens behind their ears. The Secretary bird typically has a light grey body, black flight features and thighs, and white wing linings. Its head and beak resemble those of the caracara, and its tail has a pair of long central streamers. It’s truly a fascinating bird to observe.

On a separate note, the Blue Crowned Pigeon is another interesting bird to learn about.

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The Blue Crowned Pigeon, also known as the Victoria Crowned Pigeon, is a magnificent bird that boasts a blue-grey body with stunning blue crests over the head and dark blue mask features around the eyes. These birds are typically found in the lowland forests of New Guinea, where they construct solid and compact nests using dead stems, leaves, and sticks. Despite being terrestrial, they tend to spend their nights on treetops. The female Blue Crowned Pigeon usually lays one elliptical egg, and both the male and female take turns incubating them. These friendly birds are not particularly fast flyers, which makes them easy prey for predators. Another stunning bird on our list is the Long Tailed Tit.

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This particular species of bird is known for its unique features that match its name. The most distinct characteristic is its tail, which is noticeably longer than its body. In terms of color, these birds usually have white, pink, and black bodies. You can find them in parks, woodlands, hedgerows, and gardens where they build their nests out of moss, lichen, and cobwebs to camouflage their homes. To make their nests more comfortable, they line them with up to 1500 feathers.

Long-tailed tits typically lay 8 to 12 eggs and are very active feeders. They prefer spiders, insects, and other small creatures found on leaves and small branches of trees. These adaptable birds can also be found in towns and will visit feeders and bird tables in gardens.

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If you’re on the lookout for Mountain Bluebirds, you can find them perched in mountain meadows, burned areas, or where the prairie and forest meet. The males tend to be in open habitats, and these cavity-nesters can be found across western North America.

Small in size with black eyes and a light underbelly, male Mountain Bluebirds are a bright turquoise-blue color with thin bills, while adult females have relatively duller blue wings and tails, along with grey crowns, breasts, throat, and back. In fresh fall plumage, female birds will have a red-orange tinge on their throat and breast, and their flank will be brownish.

Omnivorous by nature, Mountain Bluebirds feed on grasshoppers, spiders, flies, other insects, and small fruits. In the wild, they can live between six to ten years.

Another bird species that may pique your interest is the Grandala.

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The Grandala bird is known to fly in large flocks, consisting of approximately 400 to 500 birds. These flocks are commonly found in the northeastern regions of the Indian Subcontinent and the surrounding areas. Their diet mainly comprises insects and berries.

Male Grandalas can be recognized by their blue-gray plumage and black wings and tail. In contrast, females have white and brown stripes on their bodies and may have a rum gray-blue color profile. The underside and tip of the wing feathers are white for females. Juvenile Grandalas are similar in appearance to females.

To identify these birds, listen for their distinctive calls, which sound like “dewee” or “dew-ee.”

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